I didn't mind because all of a sudden I was where there were no people, there were trees and trees and trees and green. It was this feeling like when you were a kid and had a doctors appointment during the day so you left school early, and you were never out in the rest of society at that time of day and it felt like you were doing something wrong. Like the world didn't exist between the hours of 9-4 because school was the only thing that could possibly be happening for the rest of the world too. (Or maybe I just had that feeling because whenever my mom would take me out of school and we would drive past a cop she would jokingly tell me to hide because I would be in trouble for not being in school. I always believed her.)

Typically my day is rush, rush, rush. I am stressed and in 'go' mode the entire day. This morning I allowed myself to just be. Just be. I even stopped to witness the amazing walking stick and it's shadow.
It was a different sort of morning...